Monday, February 23, 2009

Drumroll please...................

Introducing, the first guest blogger to grace ppppffffftttttt........Ms. Sarah Smith ESQ.

May I just say...BRAVO. Loved every moment of your post. I'm inspired.

Sarah, what should we co-write now? A tv show? A novel? A children's book series? A screenplay? I think this blog is only the beginning. I don't believe in wizards, but I like to think fairies and unicorns are a possibility.

Oh and don't get accustomed to Sarah's intelligent, error-free writing. I know you might feel as if the world shifted a little when you checked this blog (mostly to prevent from poking yourself in the eye due to boredom at work and/or you were over of Perez for the day) and to your surprise, you found Anna Karenina and not The Nanny Diaries, but don't fret... I'll be back soon with a pointless story about where I work or an introspection, a quote and some misspelled words and all will be right once more.

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