Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Nobody faint.....I may have made a good decision

Going on a date with the guy I met at Ghostland could turn into the best thing I've ever done. The guy has a name, Robert. Earlier this week, I sent him this blog, so he may be reading it right now (Hi Robert!! You're cute!!). I'm kind of crazy about him, in case you needed an update on that. (Don't get a huge ego about this Robert...ha, kidding.) The fact that he hasn't cut off all communication after reading this blog is astounding. Who ever wants to hear that the person they are talking to has a public forum on the internet where they expose random thoughts? Who ever wants to hear about how weird I really am? Hmmm, I'm guessing no one. Cheers to you, Robert, for being accepting of ppppffffftttttt and in doing so, being accepting of me, pretty impressive. Especially when you were a victim of some earlier posts. I promise to try not to write too much about you.

On another note, nobody panic, blogging will commence if something relevant pops up to write about. Mary suggested that I write about when she, Kay and I put together the fake Christmas tree for our office. Kay insisted that we drink pumpkin egg nog with brandy in it during the decorating. This was actually very good even at 10:00 a.m.. Kay likes to booze. She is the accountant and senior property manager at our office, she is amazing. You will want to pay close attention when Kay's name pops up. While this idea of writing about pumpkin egg nog and a Christmas tree at work would probably cause ppppffffftttttt to crash because all of the hits it would get, I chose not to go with that, as tempting as it was (sarcastic tone).

Mary is right though. My hope for ppppffffftttttt is that it can reflect on the charm that can be found in the subtle ups and downs of everyday life. May your inevitable ups and downs remind you to take the good with the bad...both elements are necessary for a full life...

All for now...isn't it weird that it's already December? I think so....


marymgreen said...

YES YES YES!!!! Bravo dear Al. That was muy bueno. Cheers to you Mr. Scarff for making my dear friend so happy and providing the wonderful bottle of vino we drank at the office today!

Sarah Smith said...

I don't think it is weird that it is December. December comes after November every year.

a. scarff said...

Isn't Sarah so funny???